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Pet Food
Pet Care
Pet Health

Browse our questions

Do you trust your vet when it comes to making recommendations about your pet's food?
Which type of identification does your pet have?
Do you treat your pet for fleas and ticks?
Has your pet ever contracted ringworm?
How often do you change your pet's water bowl?
Has the cost of consultation with the veterinarian ever stopped you from taking your pet there?
Has your pet ever suffered from a dental disease?
Why haven’t you taken out pet insurance for your pet?
Has your pet already donated their blood?
Do you regularly weigh your pet?
Is your pet identified (microchip or tattoo)?
Have you ever consulted an osteopath for your pet?
Is your pet vaccinated against rabies?
Have you ever taken your pet to the vet for a dental scaling?
Do you pay attention to your pet's vaccine reminders?
How do you usually make an appointment with your vet (excluding emergencies)?
Do you think your pet is overweight?
If a vet clinic was open 24/7, would this influence you in selecting it as your chosen vet?
Do you feel your vet spends enough time consulting your pet during visits?
Is your pet spayed/neutered?
Do you know that there are solutions that are able to detect the presence of blood in your pet's urine?
of pet owners free-feed their pets with automatic pet feeders.
of cat owners use clay litter.
of pet owners have pet insurance

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